Masterlist Key
Last Update
Staff InkMates
These InkMates were made back when the species existed as "InkyBoys."
Official InkMates
Made by yours truly, sonyaism, or approved Guest Artists.
Follows the InkMate Number System.
Follows the InkMate Number System.
2016 Edition
2017 Edition
MYO InkMates
Make your own aka MYO are InkMates made by the community.
A MYO is made obtaining a slot-to-create or participating in MYO Events.
A MYO is made obtaining a slot-to-create or participating in MYO Events.
Event InkMates
Special InkMates that are obtained through certain Events.
Example: Advent Calendars
Example: Advent Calendars
Customized InkMates
Custom, Semi-Custom, and even CYOP "Choose Your Own Palette"
InkMates will be found here!
InkMates will be found here!